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  • Circle of Competence

  • Maps vs. Territory

  • Second order of thinking

  • Inversion

  • One-way vs two-way decision making

  • Occam's Razor

  • First Principles' Thinking


  • Incentives

  • Agency problem/costs

  • Tragedy of commons

  • Cognitive Dissonance

  • Anchoring

  • Illusion of understanding

  • Loss aversion

  • Retrospective Distortion

  • Halo Effect


  • Compounding

  • Averages (mediocre vs. extreme)

  • Multiplying by zero

  • Churn

  • Law of small numbers
  • Law of large numbers

Physics & Chemistry

  • Leverage

  • Laws of Thermodynamics

  • Reciprocity

  • Catalysts

  • Inertia


  • Margin of Safety

  • Back-up systems & redundency

  • Network effects


  • Black Swans & Randomness

  • Pareto (80/20)

  • Permutation & Combination

  • Bell curve & normal distribution

  • Regression to the mean

Biases & Fallacies

  • Hindsight Bias

  • Confirmation Bias

  • Narrative Fallacy

  • Ludic Fallacy

  • Envy
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